In a story posted at the Tucson Weekly, Supervisor Ray Carroll becomes the focus of the left as, once again, the Republican does "transparency in government" better than the left.
Supervisor Carroll has been asking for months for more detail into the budget situation of Pima County in order to get a handle on the 1.2 BILLION dollar debt the county currently owns. Those requests have essentially fallen on deaf ears. In addition, the 3 Democrat Supervisors refuse to seed the 6th person necessary for the citizen's budget revue committee to hold a quorum and begin looking into the county's financial paperwork.
What was Huckleberry's response? "It's not how much the debt is. It's how you manage it." In other long as we bounce it around and pass it off to the next administration, we don't need to worry about it now. Apparently 'Transparency' is only acceptable when viewed through a frosted glass of Huckleberry whine.
How dare we try to be fiscally sound.
Supervisor Carroll needs our support, before any further "creative accounting" destroys Pima County.